Mohan Dental Clinic

To be precise, Orthodontics is nothing less than a magical treatment for teeth correction that literally transforms your personality. Orthodontics is the dentist specializing in application of dental braces.

Precisely, braces are used for proper positioning of tooth, and if required, the jaw bones, to accomplish maximum functional efficiency. Dental braces are the best dental treatment to correct crowded or crooked teeth. At our clinic, we provide the finest quality care enabled with the latest equipment in the field of dentistry.

You need an Best Orthodontist if

  • You have protruding anterior teeth
  • Malocclusion(crooked, crowded or teeth, which do not fit together properly)
  • You have crowding of teeth
  • There’s too much space between your teeth
  • Your have extra or missing teeth
  • You have cleft palate and a variety of irregularities of the jaws and face

Crooked/Crowded teeth may lead to

  • Accumulation of harmful bacteria
  • In turn, Tooth decay
  • In turn, Gum disease
  • And ultimately, Tooth loss
  • Reduction in functional efficiency while chewing
  • Mouth joint problems

Types of Braces

1. Lingual Braces

They are conventional braces where the brackets are placed on the outer surfaces of the teeth. There are several types of lingual braces available:

 A. Ceramic Orthodontic Braces

Ceramic braces are extremely popular in the present scenario. As they are translucent, they blend in with your natural tooth colour, eliminating inferiority complex and embarrassment due to braces.

 B. Metal Orthodontic Braces

Boring braces are classic but, passé. It’s time to grace yourself with colours on your teeth. The idea is to put the colour of your choice on the metal braces for great look. Also, the results of this treatment are commendable.

 C. Self Litigating Braces

One of the most accepted and widely used brackets, Self- Litigating braces are the classic type of braces used for best results. At Dr. Mohan Dental Clinic, we specifically use the best of the brands in the dental industry- SPEED that minimises lip and cheek irritation due to its reduced size and height along with application of continuous gentle force. Precisely, this gentle force means less discomfort and pain throughout your treatment.

2. Labial Braces

Also, known as Invisible braces, Lingual braces is another revolution in the world of dentistry. Just as the name suggests, the braces are placed behind your teeth making them invisible to other people. Usually, lingual brackets are made of metal. This is a great solution for extremely self conscious people and those with professions that demand good looks like acting, modelling etc

3.Clear Aligners

Another revolution in the world of dentistry, Clear Aligners are better defined as removable, see-through plates made of top quality, transparent plastic. The best part about them is that they aren’t visible to people and can be removed and carried anywhere when needed.

4. Jaw Growth Modification (children)

Spaceline is a reputed name in Orthodontics Growth Modification Treatment. Growth modification (early treatment) is part of the first phase of two-stage orthodontics treatment of children with malocclusion (poor bite). Growth modification is only possible when bones are still growing. Orthodontics Growth Modification Treatment is most effective during children’s growth spurts.

Orthodontists use growth modification devices (appliances) to change the position, shape, length, or width of the jawbone(s). Some common devices for the Growth Modification Treatment are:

  • Headgear, an appliance that uses pressure to guide teeth and jaw growth
  • Herbst, an appliance attached to the upper and lower molars that corrects overbites caused by a small lower jaw
  • Bionator, a removable appliance that guides teeth and jaw growth
  • Palatal expansion, an appliance that corrects crossbite by widening the upper jaw

5. Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatments work at any age. However, they respond the best when the teeth structure is in formation mode. That’s usually after the age of 10- 16. But, we specialise in Adult Orthodontics too that specifically deals with treatments for 18+.

Many adults are concerned with the appearance of braces. At Dr. Mohan Dental Clinic, we bring to you a variety of new bracket systems including the one that is used on the inside of your teeth. This technique developed in Germany is custom made for each individual patient. There are other invisible retainer type braces that can be used to treat adults. For more severe problems, we can offer clear ceramic brackets which are aesthetically pleasing.

Benefits of Treatment in Adults

Adults can benefit from orthodontic treatment in many ways. These include:

  • Align the teeth to create a more aesthetic and beautiful smile
  • Correct relapse after previous orthodontic treatment due to lack of long term retainer wear
  • Improve the ability to brush and floss, especially for crowded or overlapping lower front teeth
  • Create a better or more comfortable bite and ability to chew
  • Address missing teeth
  • Close spaces between the teeth
  • Reduce excessive wear on the teeth due to grinding or poor bite jaw surgery to correct discrepancy between the upper and lower jaws.


Orthodontic treatment is no more uncomfortable for adults than children. Adults undergoing orthodontic treatmentreport the same level of soreness as children (although adults are more willing to tell us about the soreness).
Typically, the teeth are most uncomfortable 12-24 hours after an orthodontic adjustment and will disappear within 3 to 5 days. Modern appliances are smaller and more comfortable to wear. Modern techniques with new technology put less pressure on the teeth to cause discomfort, while moving the teeth more rapidly and efficiently. It also decreases the time required between adjustments to every 8 – 10 weeks. Treatment time, on average, is completed in 18-20 months.

How Are Braces Done?

  •  The brackets are bonded to your teeth with composite resin
  • They are exposed to light until they harden
  • A metal wire applies pressure to the teeth to shift them into the desired position.
  • Adjustments are made every 4-6 weeks approximately. Braces are usually worn for 12 months – 2 ½ years.
  • After your braces come off you are fitted with a retainer to ensure sure your teeth don’t shift.

Maintaining Your Braces

  •  Avoid hard eatables like hard breads, apples, raw vegetables, corn cobs etc.
  •  Avoid sticky or chewy foods.
  •  Brush and floss your teeth while wearing braces, adequately.


Corrective jaw, or orthognathic, surgery is performed by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons at Dr. Mohan Dental Clinic to correct a wide range of minor and major skeletal and dental irregularities, including the misalignment of jaws and teeth, which, in turn, can improve chewing, speaking and breathing. While the patient’s appearance may be dramatically enhanced as a result of their surgery, orthognathic surgery is performed to correct functional problems.

What does “orthognathic” mean?

The word “orthognathic” was coined by an oral/maxillofacial surgeon and means “straight jaws,” just as orthodontics means “straight teeth.” Prior to that time, the term surgical orthodontics or “facial orthopedics” was used to describe this medical specialty.

When is orthognathic surgery required?

Orthognathic surgery is needed when jaws do not meet correctly and/or when the teeth do not seem to fit with the jaws. The teeth are straightened with orthodontics, and corrective jaw surgery repositions the mal-aligned jaws. This not only improves the facial appearance (esthetics), but also ensures that teeth meet correctly and function properly.

Who needs orthognathic surgery?

There are many different types of abnormalities of the jaw structures that can result in facial deformity and improper bite. These abnormalities in the jaws and facial bones may be congenital (present at birth) or developed during growth and development. They may also be acquired after birth as a result of hereditary, environmental influences, or trauma/illness to the face.

It has been estimated that dentofacial (involving the teeth and face) deformities affect approximately 20 percent of the population.

Any individual with difficulty in the following areas should be evaluated for possible orthognathic surgery:
1.difficulty in chewing, biting, or swallowing
2. speech problems
3.chronic jaw or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain bite
5.protruding jaw
6. breathing problem

What specialists are involved in the evaluation for orthognathic surgery?

Successful orthognathic surgery requires the cooperation of many specialists, which may include the following:

Oral/maxillofacial surgeon – an orthopaedic facial surgeon responsible for treating a wide variety of dental problems, including the removal of impacted teeth and reconstructive facial surgery. This dental specialty also includes the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects involving both functional and esthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.

Orthodontist – a specially-trained dentist who specializes in the development, prevention, and correction of irregularities of the teeth, bite, and jaws. Orthodontists also have specialized training in facial abnormalities and disorders of the jaw. A patient often consults an orthodontist after receiving a referral from his/her general dentist.

Periodontist – Periodontists are responsible for the care and prevention of gum-related diseases, guided bone regeneration, and dental implants. It is the specialty of dentistry that includes the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth or their substitutes, and the maintenance of the health, function, and esthetics of these structures and tissues.

Prosthodontist – Prosthodontists are dental specialists who have undergone additional training and certification in the restoration and replacement of broken teeth with crowns, bridges, or removable prosthetics (dentures). It is the branch of dentistry that also specializes in understanding the dynamics of the smile, preserving a healthy mouth, and creating tooth replacements. Prosthodontists often work closely with other members of the oral health care team in restoring natural teeth, replacing missing teeth, and/or developing artificial substitutes for damaged oral and maxillofacial tissues. In addition, prosthodontists also have specialized training in the following:

  •  post-oral cancer reconstruction
  •  jaw joint problems (i.e., temporomandibular joint disorder)

Endodontist- Also called pulp specialists, endodontists have undergone specialized training in performing root canal therapy. This particular branch of dentistry is concerned with the morphology, physiology, and pathology of the human dental pulp (the soft tissue between the tooth’s outer enamel and the dentin) and periradicular tissues – including the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and associated periradicular conditions.

Neurosurgeon – a surgeon who specializes in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves; also coordinates all surgical interventions of head abnormalities with the craniofacial surgeons (i.e., craniosynostosis)

Ophthalmologist – a physician who specializes in the structures, functionality, and diseases of the eye. An ophthalmologist evaluates and plans treatment of associated eye problems in coordination with other surgical interventions.

Otolaryngologist (ear-nose-throat specialist) – a physician who will assist in the evaluation and management of ear infections and hearing loss that may be side effects of your child’s cleft abnormality.

Plastic/Craniofacial surgeon – a surgeon with specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of skeletal abnormalities of the skull, facial bones, and soft tissue; will work closely with the orthodontists and other specialists to coordinate a surgical plan.

Speech and language pathologist – a professional who will perform a comprehensive speech evaluation to assess your child’s communicative abilities and who will closely monitor your child throughout all developmental stages.

At Spaceline, we bring to you the renowned names of the industry to work as a team to provide the diagnosis, treatment plan, and actual execution of the treatment.

Types of braces

Invisalign is themost recent advanced removable braces that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth. It is completely metal free and gently moves teeth using a series of transparent plastic aligners. Your Invisalign aligners will be custom-made just for you, and each one will move your teeth little-by-little.

As it is metal free invisalign is very unique.Best of all, you can eat all the foods that would be difficult to eat with fixed braces, by removing the aligner.Just make sure you wear your brace for a minimum of 20 hours each day.

Invisalign can be removed for eating, drinking and teeth brushing
• It’s not so evident
• Your clinician will be able to show you a 3 dimensional representation of your final look.
Invisalign will be effective only if you’re wearing your aligners for the desired time period.

Self-ligating braces
Self-ligating braces resemble traditional fixed braces used to straighten teeth for. However, they are now available with ceramic brackets, making them far more distinct.

They elastic bands are replaced by clips to hold the brace’s wire in place. This helps in reducing friction making it easier for you to brush around your brace and keep your teeth clean during your orthodontic treatment.

Self-ligating braces could be used to effectively treat simple or complex problems
• the orthodontist will have complete control over the movement of your teeth which gives precise results.
Clear self-ligating braces are not completely esthetic
• careful brushing of your teeth around brackets and wires are required in order to keep your teeth clean.

Lingual braces
Lingual braces are fixed braces that attach to the lingual (tongue) side of your teeth. It is not visible but they’ll be hard at work straightening your teeth from the inside. In the case of lingual braces, though, the brackets are custom-made according to the surfaces of your teeth.

They are completely invisible
• The can be used to treat most of the problems.
It can take a few days for your tongue to adapt to your brace and it may rub at first
• Lingual braces require a high degree of skill and specialist materials, so they are usually more expensive than other braces.

Metal braces/Traditional braces
These are the metal brackets and wires that most people picturise when they hear the word “braces.” Many advances of the brackets lead to much smaller and less noticeable braces than the notorious “metal” braces that many adults remember. They are also less painful.
Pros: Least expensive type coloured bands give kids a chance to express themselves
Cons: Most noticeable type of brace.
Our professional orthodontists, will provide you the final assessments and treatment plan you require.

What are the signs to know that I need clip treatment?

  • Crowding or Mal positioning of teeth
  • Proclined teeth/Forwardly placed teeth
  • Excessive spacing between the teeth
  • Midline of upper and lower teeth are not in alignment
  • Sounds in jaw joints
  • Under bite or over bite

What causes Crooked teeth?

The Various Causes that result in Crooked teeth are:

  • Habits such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, pacifier , bottle feeding after the age of seven
  • Jaws too small for their teeth which cause crowding and thereby shifting of teeth
  • Upper and lower jaws are different sizes or malformed Jaws
  • Over bite or under bite
  • Excess protrusion of upper jaw or lower jaw
  • Inherited traits
  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Early loss of permanent teeth
  • Dental restorations with improper fit (eg:crowns)
  • Periodontitis
  • Pressure on teeth and gums which is undue
  • After severe facial injury due to misalignment of jaw
  • Tumors in mouth or jaw

When is the best time to schedule an initial consultation for braces?

Ideally Orthodontic screening by a Pedodontist (Children dentist) is recommended at the age of around 7yrs. Children can consult an orthodontist when permanent teeth start to erupt, the Pedodontist can suggest Orthodontist intervention. However ,treatment is not recommended this early. Orthodontist gives good idea of treatment that is likely to be needed, and when to begin. It is important for children to consult Orthodontist around the age of seven as orthodontic problems are corrected easily by early detection and screenings.

When should orthodontic treatment be started?

Orthodontic treatment can be started at an age of 12-13 years of age. You should consult an orthodontist when you have

  • Proclined or Retroclined teeth
  • Crowding of teeth
  • When you are in doubt about teeth alignment
  • If your bite is abnormal
  • If you have difficulty in biting, speaking or chewing
  • Mouth breathing
  • Clenching or grinding your teeth
  • Inability to comfortably close your lips
  • If there is a frequent shift in the position of jaws or making sounds when they move
  • If there is cheek bite or any kind of trauma to the palate

You can consult our office for an appointment with the orthodontist.

Does it hurt to get braces?

When you first get your braces, you may require some adjustment as you feel that there is a foreign thing in the mouth.

First three days after application of braces

As your teeth begin to realign you may feel some discomfort. Wax can be placed on the braces to prevent them from rubbing against the inside of cheeks and lips. Our orthodontist will instruct you how to place wax on the braces.

After each orthodontic appointment you are likely to feel the same discomfort. Arch wires and elastic ligatures are changed periodically.

Tips for dealing with discomfort

The discomfort with these braces is inconvenient, but it is manageable and it is only for few days. Dr. Ranjit also suggests salt water rinse to relieve discomfort and swelling.

How often will I come in for an orthodontic appointment?

Braces normally need to be adjusted once for a month unless specified by the orthodontist or if any bracket gets loose or broken or detached.

If I get braces, how long do I have to wear them?

Depending on the individual patient, and the severity of teeth alignment, the amount of time required varies, because response to the treatment is different in every case. The standard treatment time is about 18 months but in few circumstances may vary between 10-30 months.

How can I take care of my teeth if I’m wearing braces or a retainer?

  • We at suggest a separate brush for Orthodontic patients called as “ORTHO BRUSH” and Interdental brush for better maintenance of oral hygiene.
  • Use toothpaste containing fluoride, and fluoride rinse if required to prevent cavities
  • During the treatment period avoid sugary foods that increases the bacteria in the mouth which cause plaque and cavities
  • Avoid foods which are sticky (chewing gum, caramel), hard foods (hard candy), and foods that struck in braces.
  • When you remove the retainer, keep it safely in a container so that it is not lost or broken, brush your teeth and floss
  • Your retainer has to be kept clean by brushing with a tooth paste and tooth brush. You can wash it in denture cleaner as your orthodontist suggests. Do not place the retainer in boiling water or dishwasher.
  • After the completion of treatment also, visit dentist for every six months.

Will I need to have any permanent teeth extracted?

Parents are concerned when removal of permanent teeth is required. Permanent teeth need to be removed if there is moderate to severe crowding and insufficient space in the jaw for accommodating all the permanent teeth in proper alignment. It is indicated generally when there is:

A) Excessive Crowding
B) Excessive Protrusion
C) Some Cases Of Correction Of Over Bite Or Under Bite

Is it too late to start?

It is never too late to start orthodontic treatment and make your teeth straightened with braces even in adults. Braces are not just for children but for adults also. Even if you are adult and if you need braces for misaligned teeth you can get it done. However, treatment in adults takes a little more time than in children because of the quality of bone.

Will my braces interfere with my school activities like sports, playing an instrument, or singing?

You can carry on with your studies and extracurricular activities as usual. You may find it little difficult at first but you will eventually get used to them in few days. While playing sports, you need to wear a mouth guard which protects the braces or appliance.

What should I do if the braces get dislodged at home?

Brackets are a part of braces, and attached in the center of each tooth surface with cement.

These brackets may get dislodged if the patient bites very hard food (the food to be avoided by the Orthodontic patients) with the braces or if the mouth is hurt during any activity.

If the brackets get loose or dislodged at home

  • You need to bring to the notice of the Parent’s or Guardian
  • Contact our dental office for determining further steps to be taken.
  • If the bracket is rotated around the wire and not coming out and if it is not possible for the patient to reach us then it can be fixed with a temporary fix to eliminate discomfort thereby preventing further damage.
  • Take care not to swallow or injure further.
  • Bracket is kept back in the place using sterile Tweezer sliding the bracket along the wire to the center of the tooth back into proper position.

I would love to have orthodontic treatment but as an adult I’m too embarrassed to wear braces. Are there any other options?

Now-a-days more adult patients are getting treated than the teenagers and children. The most popular treatment option is Invisalign, where teeth are moved into position by invisible plastic aligners. If braces are recommended by the orthodontist, there are different types of braces in which you can choose so that your appearance is not affected.

Other treatment options are:
1. Ceramic braces
2. Lingual braces
According to the patients affordability, and interest the type of braces can be choosed.

What are the types of braces?

  • Traditional Braces- quality of these braces have progressed than those in the early days
  • Ceramic Braces- brackets are made up of clear, transparent, ceramic material
  • Clear and Removable Aligners (Invisalign)- clear plastic aligners resembling Mouth guards.
  • Palatal Expanders- for patients who have overcrowded teeth

What if i ignore orthodontic treatment after suggested by my Dentist?

If the treatment is ignored there are two types of effects.

  • Functional- The function of the teeth such as chewing and speaking is compromised. Maintaining oral hygiene is difficult and teeth eventually end up in Periodontitis and may become loose.
  • Esthetic- The appearance of the patient will have a psychological effect on them. They will become conscious of their smile and appearance.

Our Pedodontist Suggested Serial Extraction, What Is It?

Serial extraction is the extraction of certain deciduous teeth and some specific permanent teeth in a sequence and pattern to guide the eruption of permanent teeth in a more favorable position. There is no fixed procedure to be followed in serial extractions. Careful diagnosis has to be done along with continuous re-evaluation. At the age of 8-9 years, deciduous canines are extracted to create space for incisors and their proper alignment, after that a year later deciduous first molars are extracted, to provide space for eruption of first premolars and finally first premolars are extracted to create space for proper alignment of permanent canines.

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Dr. R JayarekhaMDS (RGUHS)

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Dr. R P MohanMDS (Manipal University)

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